Category: Uncategorized


Project Meeting – online, June 27th 2022

On June the 27th (2022), the project partners held an online meeting, discussing the division of tasks and timeline further. For the catalogue we decided to make the types of Micro Aggression leading. All...


Project Meeting – Bled, May 26th-27th 2022

The project meetings on the 26th and 27th of May, was the first live meetings of this project, hosted by Integra in Bled. Aim of these meetings was twofold: The first day we had...


Project Meeting – Utrecth, March 3rd 2022

On March the 3rd (2022), Project MICRAG (‘How Micro can Aggression be?’) had its first hybrid project meeting. During this meeting we discussed all outputs that this project contains, agreed on a timeline and...